Faculty Handbooks

The policies by which academic appointees are governed are developed by the Indiana University Board of Trustees, the University Faculty Council, and/or administrative bodies and officers of the university, acting in accordance with authority conferred upon them by the laws of the State of Indiana, the Indiana University Board of Trustees, and the Faculty Constitution. In addition to the Indiana University Academic Handbook, IUPUI faculty may wish to consult the IUPUI Supplement, which addresses both general policies and those specific to schools and units based on the IUPUI campus. When in doubt about the currency of any policy, it is recommended that Faculty Appointments and Advancement (FAA) be contacted to ensure that the most accurate information is provided.


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 8 of 8
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    IU Library Faculty Handbook
    A faculty handbook for librarians in the Indiana University system.
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    IUPUI Supplement to the IU Faculty Handbook: Interim Guide
    The IUPUI Supplement to the IU Academic Handbook is designed to be a free-flowing document which is a clickable on-line PDF document for easier searching. The content, organization, and functionality of the guide are continually under review by the Faculty Handbook Committee of the IUPUI Faculty Council. This working draft is available for input from the faculty and IUPUI Faculty Council Committees to review their relevant policies.
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    IUPUI Supplement to the IU Academic Handbook
    Approved by the IUPUI Faculty Council May 4, 2010. The 2009-2010 Guide is provided for the faculty of IUPUI by the IUPUI Faculty Council and the Dean of the Faculties Office as a supplement to the Indiana University system-wide Academic Handbook. The Faculty Guide does not duplicate the information already printed in the IU Academic Handbook. For complete information on any topic, faculty members should consult both the system-wide and the campus handbooks. For many topics, reference is made to additional sources of detailed information. The guide is updated collaboratively, on an ongoing basis, by the IFC through the IFC Handbook Committee and the Office of the Dean of the Faculties.
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    IU Academic Handbook
    (Indiana University (Bloomington), 2008-08)
    This edition of the Indiana University Academic Handbook was prepared and edited by Tadewos Assebework, Research Coordinator and Publisher, Office of the Vice Provost for Faculty and Academic Affairs, IUB, following on work begun by Mary Tilton, former Publications Coordinator. The Handbook was designed by Scott Taylor, Instructional Support Services Publications and Graphics, IUB.
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    IUPUI Supplement to the IU Faculty Handbook: Interim Guide
    The Interim Guide of the IUPUI Supplement to the IU Academic Handbook is designed to be a free-flowing document which will eventually become a clickable on-line PDF document for easier searching. The content, organization, and functionality of the guide are under review by the Faculty Handbook Committee of the IUPUI Faculty Council. These working drafts are available for input from the faculty and IUPUI Faculty Council Committees to review their relevant policies.
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    IU Academic Handbook
    (Indiana University, 2005-08) Tilton, Mary
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