Stucky, ThomasNewby, BillNunn, Samuel2009-11-232022-11-012009-11-232022-11-012007 federal fiscal year (FFY) 2005, the federal government combined the Byrne and Local Law Enforcement Block Grants (LLEBG) to create the Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) program. Consistent with federal and state goals for JAG awards, Indiana grants a portion of JAG funds to multi-jurisdictional drug task forces (MJTFs). The goal of these MJTFs is to “address drug control and/or violent crime problems [by] allowing law enforcement agencies in different jurisdictions to work together as a single enforcement entity with the ability to improve communication, share intelligence, and coordinate activities.” Through examination of global statistics and case study analysis, this report examines ICJI grants to multijurisdictional drug task forces in the 2006 and 2007 grant periods. Information summarized in this report was collected through July 1, 2007.CrimeDrugsViolenceAnalysis of Byrne/JAG Programs Administered by the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute: Multi-jurisdictional (Drug) Task Forces, 2006 and 2007Report