Ray, BradSapp, DonaThelin, Rachel2017-03-012022-11-012017-03-012022-11-012016-03http://policyinstitute.iu.edu/Uploads/PublicationFiles/MentalHealthBrief_Final20031516.pdfhttp://hdl.handle.net/2450/11286In early 2015, the United Way of Central Indiana and the Executive Committee of the Marion Superior Court requested the assistance of the Indiana University Public Policy Institute in conducting a formative process evaluation of the Marion County Mental Health Alternative Court (MHAC). The evaluation covers program activities during the first year after implementation and is based on observations during MHAC staffing and advisory council meetings, stakeholder interviews, and data collected on current MHAC participants.Criminal justicePublic safetyEvaluation of the Marion County Mental Health Alternative CourtReport